Archive for June, 2006

It's interesting to see questions/arguments like this about a possible MySpace downturn after reaching a ridiculous "peak" of 80+ million registered users, and then to see article's like this one from Ad Age, discussing social networking sites recently securing major advertising opportunities with companies like Wendy's and Toyota.  So, what is it? My guess is […]

Oh lord. Both good and bad news from JetBlue today. JetBlue Airways Corp. won a government auction Friday for wireless spectrum that could be used to provide in-flight telephone, Internet, or entertainment services. The winning bid of $7.02 million was placed through New York-based JetBlue's entertainment subsidiary, LiveTV LLC, which provides DirecTV service on JetBlue […]

Someone please tell me that Wee Man from MTV's Jackass show and TJ Lavin from its Road Rules / Real World Challenge and also competitive BMX racing fame are not the same person. So what if one is a little person and the other of average height – they're the same!

As counselors, yes, we have a job to do, but often there are situations where we have no pull, no sway, no leverage. Greater success in this profession will come when you learn how to identify the situations you cannot change among the ones you can, and figure out how to work with what you […]